Overview of the Protegrity logging architecture

Logs store information about the system or events that take place on a system. These entries are time stamped to track when an activity occurred. In addition, logs might also store additional information for tracking, monitoring, and solving system issues.

Overview of logging

Protegrity software generates comprehensive logs. The logging infrastructure generates a huge number of log entries that take time to read. The enhanced logging architecture consolidates logs in Insight. Insight stores the logs in the Audit Store and provides tools to make it easier to view and analyze log data.

When the user performs some operation using Protegrity software, or interact with Protegrity software directly, or indirectly using a different software or interface, a log entry is generated. This entry is stored in the Audit Store with other similar entries. A log entry contains valuable information about the interaction between the Protegrity software and a user or other systems.

A log entry might contain the following information:

  • Date and time of the operation.
  • User who initiated the operation.
  • Operation that was initiated.
  • Systems involved in the operation.
  • Files that were modified or accessed.

As the transactions build up, the quantum of logs generated also increases. Every day a lot of business transactions, inter-process activities, interactivity-based activities, system level activities, and other transactions take place resulting in a huge number of log entries. All these logs take up a lot of time and space to store and process.

Evolution of logging in Protegrity

Every system had its own advantages and disadvantages. Over time, the logging system evolved to reduce the disadvantages of the existing system and also improve on the existing features. This ensured that a better system was available that provided more information and at the same time reduced the processing and storage overheads.

Logging in legacy products

In legacy Protegrity platforms, that is version and earlier, security events were collected in the form of logs. These events were a list of transactions when the protection, unprotection, and reprotection operations were performed. The logs were delivered as a part of the customer Protegrity security solution. This system allowed tracking of the operations and also provided information for troubleshooting the Protegrity software.

However, this had disadvantages due to the volume of the logs generated and the granularity of the logs. When many security operations were performed, the volume of logs kept on increasing. This made it difficult for the platform to keep track of everything. When the volume increased beyond a limit and could not be managed, then customers had to turn off receiving log operations for the successful attempts to get protected data in the clear.

The logs collected reported the security operations performed. However, the exact number of operations performed was difficult to record. This inconsistency existed across the various protectors. The SDKs could provide individual counts of the operations performed while database protectors could not provide the exact count of the operations performed.

To solve this issue of obtaining exact counts, the capability called metering was added to the Protegrity products. Metering provided a count of the total number of security events. Even in the case of Metering, storage was an issue. This is because one audit log was generated in PostgreSQL in each ESA. Cross replications of logs across ESAs was a challenge because there was no way to automatically replicate logs across ESAs.

New logging infrastructure

Protegrity continues to improve on the products and solutions provided. Starting from version, a new and robust logging architecture in introduced on the ESA. This new system improves on the way audit logs are created and processed on the protectors. The logs are processed and aggregated according to the event being performed. For example, if 40 protect operations are performed on the protector, then one log with the count 40 is created instead of 40 individual logs for each operation. This reduces the number of logs generated and at the same time retains the quality of the information generated.

The audit logs that are created provide a lot of information about the event being performed on the protector. In addition to system events and protection events, the audit log also holds information for troubleshooting the protector and the security events on the protector. This solves the issue of granularity of the logs that existed in earlier systems. An advantage of this architecture is that the logs help track the working of the system. It also allows monitoring the system for any issues, both in the working of the system and from a security perspective.

The new architecture uses software, such as, Fluent Bit and Fluentd. These allow logs to be transported from the protector to the ESA over a secure, encrypted line. This ensures the safety and security of the information. The new architecture also used Elasticsearch for replicating logs across ESAs. It made the logging system more robust and protected the data from being lost in the case of an ESA failure. Over iterations, the Elasticsearch was upgraded with additional security using Open Distro. From version, OpenSearch was introduced that improved the logging architecture further. These software provided configuration flexibility to provide a better logging system.

From version, Insight is introduced that allow the logs to be visualized and various reports to be created for monitoring the health and the security of the system. Additionally, from the ESA version and protectors version or the new logging system has been improved even further. It is now possible to view how many security operations the Protegrity solution has delivered and what Protegrity protectors are being used in the solution.

The audit logs generated are important for a robust security solution and are stored in Insight in the ESA. Since the volume of logs generated have been reduced in comparison to legacy solutions, the logs are always received by the ESA. Thus, the capability to turn off logging is no longer required and has been deprecated. The new logging architecture offers a wide range of tools and features for managing logs. In the case where the volume of logs is very large, the logs can be archived using the Index Lifecycle Management (ILM) to the short term archive or long term archive. This frees up the system and resources and at the same time makes the logs available when required in the future.

For more information about ILM, refer here.

The process for archiving logs can also be automated using the scheduler provided with the ESA. In addition to archiving logs, the processes for auto generating reports, rolling over the index, and performing signature verification can also be automated.

For more information about scheduling tasks, refer here.

Last modified January 30, 2025