Command Line Options

Run the commands to configure the ESA.

Forwarding system logs to the Audit Store

When the logging components are configured on the ESA or the appliance, system logs are sent to the Audit Store. Configure the system to send the system logs to the Audit Store.

Forwarding audit logs to the Audit Store

The audit logs are the data security operation-related logs, such as protect, unprotect, and reprotect and the PEP server logs. The audit logs from the appliance, such as, the DSG are forwarded through the Log Forwarder service to the Audit Store on the ESA.

Applying Audit Store Security Configuration

The Apply Audit Store Security Configs setting is available for configuring the Audit Store security. This setting must be used after upgrading from an earlier version of the ESA when custom certificates are used. Run the following steps after the upgrade is complete and custom certificates are applied for td-agent, Audit Store, and Analytics, if installed.

Setting the total memory for the Audit Store Repository

The Set Audit Store Repository Total Memory tool is used to specify the total RAM allocated for the Audit Store Repository on the ESA.

Rotating Audit Store certificates

Rotate the Audit Store certificates after the the ESA certificates are rotated. This refreshes the Audit Store-related certificates that is required for the Audit Store nodes to communicate with the other nodes in the Audit Store cluster and the ESA.