Add/Remove Services

Using Add/Remove Services tool, you can install the necessary products or remove already installed ones.

To install services:

  1. Login to the Appliance CLI Manager.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Installations and Patches > Add/Remove Services.

  3. Enter the root password to execute the install operation and select OK.

    Select Install or Uninstall Screen

  4. Select Install applications and select OK.

    Install Products

  5. Select products to install and select OK.

    • If a new product is selected, the installation process starts.
    • If the product is already installed, then refer to step 6.
  6. Select an already installed product to upgrade, uninstall, or reinstall, and select OK.

    1. The Package is already installed screen appears. This step is not applicable for the DSG appliance.

      Select Upgrade or Uninstall or Reinstall Products Screen

    2. Select any one of the following options:

      UpgradeInstalls a newer version of the selected product.
      UninstallRemoves the selected product.
      ReinstallRemoves and installs the product again.
      CancelReturns to the Administration menu.
    3. Select OK.

Last modified January 30, 2025