Connecting an ESA instance for DSG deployment

If you are using an instance of the DSG appliance, then you need to provide the connectivity details using the CLI Manager. These details are related to an instance of the ESA appliance in the DSG appliance.

For more information about connecting to an instance of the ESA appliance, refer Setting up ESA Communication.

Before you begin

Ensure that you run the Appliance-rotation-tool on the ESA before you setup the communication of the DSG appliance with the ESA appliance.

For more information about running the Appliance-rotation-tool on the ESA, refer to section Running the Appliance-Rotation-Tool.

Deploying the Instance of the Protegrity Appliance with the Protectors

You can configure the various protectors that are a part of the Protegrity Data Security Platform with the instance of the ESA appliance running on AWS.

Depending on the Cloud-based environment which hosts the protectors, the protectors can be configured with the instance of the ESA appliance in one of the following ways:

  • If protectors and ESA are running on same VPC, then configure the protectors using the internal IP address. This IP address must be of the appliance within the same VPC.
  • If protectors and ESA are running on different VPCs, then the VPC of the ESA instance must be configured to connect to the VPC of the protectors.
Last modified January 30, 2025