Working with AWS CloudWatch Metrics

The metrics for the following entities in the appliances are sent to the AWS CloudWatch Console.

Memory Use PercentPercentage of the memory that is consumed by the appliance.
Disk I/OBytes and packets read and written by the appliance.
You can view the following parameters:
- write_bytes
- read_bytes
- writes
- reads
NetworkBytes and packets sent and received by the appliance.
You can view the following parameters:
- bytes_sent
- bytes_received
- packets_sent
- packets_received
Disk Used PercentPercentage of the disk space that is consumed by the appliance.
CPU IdlePercentage of time for which the CPU is idle.
Swap Memory Use PercentPercentage of the swap memory that is consumed by the appliance.

Unlike logs, you cannot customize the metrics that you want to send to CloudWatch. If you want to customize these metrics, then contact Protegrity Support.