Obtaining the Azure BLOB

In Azure, you can share files across different storage accounts. The ESA that is packaged as a BLOB, is shared across storage accounts on Azure. A BLOB is a data type that is used to store unstructured file formats. Azure supports BLOB storage to store unstructured data, such as audio, text, images, and so on. The BLOB of the appliance is shared by Protegrity to the client’s storage account.

Before creating the instance on Azure, you must obtain the BLOB from the My.Protegrity portal. On the portal, you select the required ESA version and choose Azure as the target cloud platform. You then share the product to your cloud account. The following steps describe how to share the BLOB to your cloud account.

Before creating the instance on AWS, you must obtain the image from the My.Protegrity portal. On the portal, you select the required ESA version and choose AWS as the target cloud platform. You then share the product to your cloud account. The following steps describe how to share the AMI to your cloud account.

To obtain and share the BLOB:

  1. Log in to the My.Protegrity portal with your user account.

  2. Click Product Management > Explore Products > Data Protection.

  3. Select the required ESA Platform Version from the drop-down.

    The Product Family table will update based on the selected ESA Platform Version.

    The ESA Platform Versions listed in drop-down menu reflect all versions. These include versions that were either previously downloaded or shipped within the organization along with any newer versions available thereafter. Navigate to Product Management > My Product Inventory to check the list of products previously downloaded.

    The images in this section consider the ESA as a reference. Ensure that you select the required image.

  4. Select the Product Family.

    The description box will populate with the Product Family details.

    Product Family Screen

  5. Click View Products to advance to the product listing screen.

    Product List Screen

    CalloutElement NameDescription
    1Target Platform DetailsShows details about the target platform.
    2Product NameShows the product name.
    3Product FamilyShows the product family name.
    4OS DetailsShows the operating system name.
    5VersionShows the product version.
    6End of Support DateShows the final date that Protegrity will provide support for the product.
    7ActionClick the View icon (View) to open the Product Detail screen.
    8Export as CSVDownloads a .csv file with the results displayed on the screen.
    9Search CriteriaType text in the search field to specify the search filter criteria or filter the entries using the following options:
    - OS
    - Target Platform
    10Request one hereOpens the Create Certification screen for a certification request.
  6. Select the Azure cloud target platform you require and click the View icon (View) from the Action column.

    The Product Detail screen appears.

    Product Detail Screen

    CalloutElement NameDescription
    1Product DetailShows the following information about the product:
    - Product name
    - Family name
    - Part number
    - Version
    - OS details
    - Hardware details
    - Target platform details
    - End of support date
    - Description
    2Product Build NumberShows the product build number.
    3Release Type NameShows the type of build, such as, release, hotfix, or patch.
    4Release DateShows the release date for the build.
    5Build VersionShows the build version.
    6ActionsShows the following options for download:
    - Click the Share Product icon () to share the product through the cloud.
    - Click the Download Signature icon () to download the product signature file.
    - Click the Download Readme icon () to download the Release Notes.
    7Download DateShows the date when the file was downloaded.
    8UserShows the user name who downloaded the build.
    9Active DeploymentSelect the check box to mark the software as active. Clear the check box to mark the software as inactive.

    This option is available only after you download a product.| |10|Product Build Number|Shows the product build number.|

  7. Click the Share Product icon (Cloud) to share the desired cloud product.

    If the access to the cloud products is restricted and the Customer Cloud Account details are not available, then a message appears. The message displays the information that is required and the contact information for obtaining access to cloud share.

    A dialog box appears and your available cloud accounts will be displayed.

    Account Selection Screen

  8. Select your required cloud account in which to share the Protegrity product.

  9. Click Share.

    A message box is displayed with the command line interface (CLI) instructions with the option to download a detailed PDF containing the cloud web interface instructions. Additionally, the instructions for sharing the cloud product are sent to your registered email address and to your notification inbox in My.Protegrity.

    Sharing Command

  10. Click the Copy icon (Cloudcopy) to copy the command for sharing the cloud product and run the command in CLI. Alternatively, click Instructions to download the detailed PDF instructions for cloud sharing using the CLI or the web interface.

  • The cloud sharing instruction file is saved in a .pdf format. You need a reader, such as, Acrobat Reader to view the file.

  • The Cloud Product will be shared with your cloud account for seven (7) days from the original share date in the My.Protegrity portal.

  • After the seven (7) day time period, you need to request a new share of the cloud product through My.Protegrity.com.

Last modified January 30, 2025