Converting the Raw Disk to a GCP Image
After obtaining the image from Protegrity, you can proceed to create a virtual image. However, the image provided is available as disk in a raw format. This must be converted to a GCP specific image before you create an instance. The following steps provide the details of converting the image in a raw format to a GCP-specific image.
To convert the image:
Login to the GCP Console.
Run the following command.
gcloud compute images create <Name for the new GCP Image > --source-uri gs://<Name of the storage location where the raw image is obtained>/<Name of the GCP image>>
For example,
gcloud compute images create esa80 --source-uri gs://stglocation80/esa-pap-all-64-x86-64-gcp-8-0-0-0-1924.tar.gz
The raw image is converted to a GCP-specific image. You can now create an instance using this image