Configuring known hosts

Describes the procedure to configure the known hosts for SSH Keys

By default, the SSH is configured to deny all the communications to unknown remote servers. Known hosts list the machines or nodes to which the host machine can connect to. The SSH servers to which the host can communicate with are added under Known Hosts.

Adding a New Host

You can add a host to the list of known hosts that can have a connection established.

Perform the following steps to add a host.

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Known Hosts tab.

  4. Click Add Host.
    The Enter the ip/hostname dialog box appears.

  5. Enter the IP address or hostname in the Enter the ip/hostname text box.

  6. Click Ok.
    All host is added to the known hosts list.

Updating the Host Keys

You can refresh the hostnames to check for updates to host’s public keys.

Perform the following steps to updated a host key.

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Known Hosts tab.

  4. Select a host name.

  5. Click Refresh Host Key.
    The key for the host name is updated.

Deleting a Host

If a connection to a host is no longer required, then you can delete the host from the known host list.

Perform the following steps to delete a known host.

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Known Hosts tab.

  4. Select a host name.

  5. Click Delete Host.
    A message confirming the deletion appears.

  6. Click Yes.
    The host is deleted.

Resetting the Host Keys

You can set the keys of all the hosts to a default value.

Perform the following steps to reset all the host keys:

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Known Hosts tab.

  4. Select Reset Host Keys.
    A message confirming the reset appears.

  5. Click Yes.
    The host keys for all the hostnames is set to a default value.

Last modified January 30, 2025