Configuring outbound communications

Describes the procedure to configure the outbound communication for SSH Keys

The users who can connect to the known hosts with their private keys are listed in the Identities Keys (Outbound) tab.

The following screen shows the Identities.

Identities (Outbound)

Adding a New Key

A new public key can be generated for the host machine to connect with another machine.

Perform the following steps to add a new key.

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Identities Keys (Outbound) tab.

  4. Click Add New Key.
    The Add New Identity Key dialog box appears.

  5. Select a user.

  6. Select Generate new keys.

  7. The Root password is required to create Identity Key prompt appears. Enter the root password and click Ok.

  8. If the public key is to be saved, then select Click to Download Public Key .
    The public key is saved to the local machine.

  9. Click Finish.
    The new authorized key is added.

Downloading a Public Key

You can download the host’s public key from the Web UI.

Perform the following steps to download a key.

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Identities Keys (Outbound) tab.

  4. Select a user.

  5. Select Download Public Key.
    The public key is saved to the local machine.

Uploading Keys

Perform the following steps to upload an existing key.

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Identities Keys (Outbound) tab.

  4. Click Add New Key.
    The Add New Identity Key dialog box appears.

  5. Select a user.

  6. Select Upload Keys.
    The list of public keys with the users that they are assigned to appears.

  7. Select Upload Public Key.
    The file browser dialog box appears.

  8. Select a public key file from your local machine.

  9. Click Open.
    The public key is assigned to the user.

  10. Select Upload Private Key.
    The file browser dialog box appears.

  11. Select a private key file from your local machine.

  12. Click Open.

  13. If the private key is protected by a passphrase, then the text field Private Key Passphrase appears.
    Enter the private key passphrase.

SSH Passphrase

  1. Click Finish.
    The new identity key is added.

Reusing public keys between users

The public and private key pair of one user can assigned as a public and private key pair of another user.

Perform the following steps to choose from an existing key.

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Identities Keys (Outbound) tab.

  4. Click Add New Key.
    The Add New Identity Key dialog box appears.

  5. Select a user.

  6. Select Choose from existing keys.

  7. Select the public key.

  8. The Root password is required to create Identity Key prompt appears. Enter the root password and click Ok.
    The public key is assigned to the user.

Deleting an Identity

You can delete an identity for a user. Once the identity is removed, the user will no longer be able to connect to another machine.

Perform the following steps to delete an identity:

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Identities Keys (Outbound) tab.

  4. Select a user.

  5. Click Delete Identity.
    A message confirming the deletion appears.

  6. Click Yes.

  7. The Root password is required to delete the Identity Key prompt appears. Enter the root password and click Ok.
    The identity is deleted.

Clearing all Identities

You can remove all the public keys from the authorized keys list.

Perform the following steps to clear all identities.

  1. From the ESA Web UI, navigate to Settings > Network.
    The Network Settings pane appears.

  2. Select the SSH tab.
    The SSH Configuration Manager pane appears.

  3. Select the Identities Keys (Outbound) tab.

  4. Click Reset Identity List.
    A message confirming the deletion of all identities appears.

  5. Click Yes.

  6. The Root password is required to delete all Identity Keys prompt appears. Enter the root password and click Ok.
    All the identities are deleted.

Last modified January 30, 2025