
Update the settings on the ESA to configure the appliance.

Sending logs to an external security information and event management (SIEM)

The Protegrity infrastructure provides a robust setup for logging and analyzing the logs generated. It might be possible that an existing infrastructure is available for collating and analyzing logs. Use the information provided here to forward the logs generated by the ESA to the Audit Store and the SIEM for analyzing logs.

Audit Store performance analysis

The Audit Store cluster saves the logs on a single node or multiple nodes according to the cluster setup. Accordingly, the Audit Store cluster can consist of a single ESA or multiple ESAs. Use the information provided in this section to analyze and determine the number of ESAs required for the Audit Store cluster.

Configuring a Trusted Appliance Cluster (TAC) without Consul Integration

If you are using a cluster and do not want to continue with the Consul Integration services, then you can configure the cluster by uninstalling the Consul Integration services followed by creating the TAC.

Configuring the IP Address for the Docker Interface

Network settings allows you to configure the network details for the appliance, such as, host name, default gateway, name servers, and so on.

PEP Server configuration file

The following text represents the PEP Server configuration file pepserver.cfg.

Configuring ESA features

Update the configuration according to your preferences. These settings are required for the optimal performance for the setup.

Identifying the protector version

The ESA v10.0.0 only supports protectors having the PEP server version 1.2.2+42 and later.