Global Settings

Configure settings that affect a DSG node globally

The Global Settings allows to configure debug options, global protocol settings, and Web UI settings that impact the DSG.

The following image illustrates the UI options on the Global Settings tab.

Global Settings UI

The following table provides the description for each of the available RuleSet options:

1 Deploy to All NodesDeploy the configurations to all the DSG nodes in the cluster. Note: Deploy can also be performed from the Cluster tab.In a scenario where an ESA and two DSG nodes are in a cluster, by using the Selective Tunnel Loading functionality, you can load specific tunnel configurations on specific DSG nodes. Click Deploy to All Nodes to push specific tunnel configurations from an ESA to specific DSG nodes in a cluster.
2ExpandExpand the subtab and view available options.
 CollapseCollapse the subtab to hide the available options.
3EditEdit the available options in the subtab.


Configure log settings, Learn mode settings, and set configurations that enable administrative queries.

Global Protocol Stack

Configure settings that affect all services related to a protocol type

Web UI

Configure additional settings that impact how the UI is displayed

Last modified January 30, 2025