Adding Roles to Policy

This section discusses about how to add roles to a policy and then how to customize the permissions for individual roles.

Adding Roles to Policies

You add roles to a policy to enforce user access to data. The roles can be set up to enable granular access control on the sensitive enterprise data. You can add one or more roles to a policy.

To add roles to policies:

  1. On the ESA Web UI, navigate to Policy Management > Policies & Trusted Applications > Policies.

    The list of all the policies appear.

  2. Select the policy.

    The screen to edit the policy appears.

  3. Click the Roles tab.

  4. Click Add.

    The list of roles created appears.

  5. Select the roles.

  6. Click Add.

A message Selected Roles have been added to the policy successfully appears.

Last modified January 30, 2025