
General information and guidance for troubleshooting the appliance.

Known issues for the Audit Store

A list of known issues with their solution or workaround are provided here. The steps provided to resolve the known issues ensure that your product does not display errors or crash.

ESA Error Handling

The common errors encountered while working with ESA.

Known Issues for the td-agent

A list of known issues with their solution or workaround are provided here. The steps provided to resolve the known issues ensure that your product does not display errors or crash.

Known Issues for Protegrity Analytics

A list of known issues with their solution or workaround is provided here. The steps provided to resolve the known issues ensure that your product does not throw errors or crash.

Known Issues for the Log Forwarder

A list of known issues with their solution or workaround are provided here. The steps provided to resolve the known issues ensure that your product does not display errors or stops responding.


The following features and capabilities are marked for deprecation.